Titan Financial - First National Government Grant Benefit
First National Government Grant Benefit ripoff, And Charlotte, North Carolina


In concern with Titan Financial, they are or were a company offering credit cards, with a limit of $2,500. The catch was you would need to pay an upfront fee of $299. I was contacted by one of their Agents on April 26 offering me this offer which I fell for, and havent heard anything from them, or received anything from them up to this day, Jan 19!

They gave a toll free number to call if any "problems" were to come up which is 800-410-1682. Anyhow, Everytime I would call that number the agent would tell me some type of excuse saying that there response to the offer has been great, and that it is just taking them awhile to send all the orders out! Then after awhile, my calls were being answered, but no one said hello, they would just hang up right after they picked up the phone. Then it got to a point where no one would answer, or a type of answering machine would pick up, saying that all agents were busy, and then it would take me to a busy signal! This really got frustrating, and I just wanted my money back!

Anyhow, today, January 19... I FINALLY got through using that toll free number they gave... And they had CHANGED the company name to

I knew it was the same people who had called me when it was Titan Financial, because the carribean accent that the agents had... And I talked to about 3 of them, and they all had the same accent... Which was the same accent that the agent who had contacted me in the first place. Another note, when I contacted them previously when the problem first happened, every single agent that I spoke to, had that same carribean accent! Coincident? You be the judge... But my gut feeling was telling me these were the same people, but they were just denying that they had anything to do with Titan Financial.

Provo, Utah

Company: Titan Financial - First National Government Grant Benefit
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Address: 14221 Dallas Pkwy - Ste. 1500
Phone: 8004101682
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