Sierra Services Inc
Work from Home Scandal


I was offered a position with a "re-shipping" company offering to pay $2500 per month base plus $25.00 per package shipped. The trial period was four weeks. I had received a number of packages in the first 2 1/2 weeks but they started to tail off toward the end. I was told that was because I had successfully "passed" the trial period and they were transferring me to their permanent Database (right).

Trail period ended and I was expecting to receive compensation, I have not yet and I have communicated to several individuals to no avail.

I did a little research on the internet regarding so called re-shipping companies some are legit most aren't! I think Sierra Services is one of the not legit companies.

If you are contacted by this organization please decline services.

Company: Sierra Services Inc
Country: Finland, Russia
City: Helsinki
Address: Annankatu 24
Phone: 3586651728
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Consumer Report
Never sent Free Kit. Trail Period ended without Notification. Charged monthly fee to Create a BLOG!

Web Money Training
Misleading and rip-off

American Care Transit
Shipping and Handeling

Wu-Yi Source
WuYi Tee - Weight loss by drinking tea, charges for other services not wanted. Agreements written very small

Grant Finder Pro
Took $100 and didnt bother to even tell me about the trial period

Internet Cash Machine - ICM Websites portal.
Took money out of my account before trial period was finished-DID NOT EVEN RECEIVE MY TRIAL PACKAGE FIRST

Fullfillment Center
Central Coast Nutraceuticals, Inc., started 14 day trial period from when they shipped product, not when received, then charged full price before you can cancel

Ripoff Deceptive Advertising! They will charge you for your trial period when you extend your membership! Ridiculous! Los Angeles California
Can Not Cancel