Hannibal Courier Post
Hannibal Courier Post


What a crummy story in the paper about the Hannibal murder. The Quincy Herald Whig wiped you off the map. I think it is a disgrace that Hannibal did such a poor job in reporting this incident, when all news services in Quincy did so well. Why is that stupid woman Mary Lou Montgomery still there? It is pretty obvious that she is not doing her job and hasn't for all these years and gotten away with it? And why do we have to read about that idiot Danny Henley's stories about his "bride" and daughter, when he can't write a decent news story? They need to get rid of the whole newsroom - what little is left and find somebody that knows how to get the news write about it. I am contacting the head office on this because I am so disgusted with with the HCP poor performance. There are decent people out there looking for a job - why keep the old duds that are lazy and indifferent to what is going on in Hannibal. That is absolutely one of the worst stories on a local murder I have ever read. There have problems with poor management at that newspaper ever since I can remember. And no one in town likes the editor, Mary Lou Montgomery.

Company: Hannibal Courier Post
Country: USA
Address: 200 N 3rd St Hannibal 63401
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