Consumer Report


Please read reviews prior to ordering from this company, I wish I had. Ordered a 48” Broan Range Hood $1,100.00. Arrived in box that look undamaged (same as many others). Even after we took the top of the box off it looked fine until we preparing to install and looked at the underneath which is severely dented and also appears to have manufacturer defects. I was unable to lift item on my own and shippers didn’t offer to help.

Within a few days I contacted them about the damaged, defective item and waited 6 days for them to contact me about complaint. When they did they were verbally abusive and threatening (I don’t scare easy – I fight back). Told them I would be contacting New York AG and Maine AG. Aaron told me to go ahead as they were friends with the New York AG, which might explain why this company has gotten away with these tactics time and time again.

Aaron told me I was going to have to pay to ship it back – are you kidding me – you send me crap and I am supposed to pay. Try that with someone else Aaron. He told me he was a Brooklyn scumbag and that they knew how to “handle” people from Maine – what in the hell does that mean??? That guy came up to Maine and approached people in this manner and he would leave with his tail between his legs – yes, I am sure he must have a tail. I have purchased many items throughout my life as we all have, but have never encountered anyone so abusive, rude, crude and so many other adjectives. I hung up on him as I do not deal with trash.

He called me back and said I would not have to pay for shipping and the item would be picked up and replaced at the same time but I would have to pay for item again – yes all
$1,100.00. Never heard of such a thing and I have returned items before. He told me he would send me an email with instructions on how to give them my cc info. I told him I would be looking for it to hand over to my brother who is an attorney. Guess what never received that email. My brother by the way said “no way” and agreed the AG’s need to be notified which will happen first thing Monday morning. It is appalling that we allow companies such as this to operate in our my opinion they need to be shut down and quickly. There are so many reviews that are so similar in problems and AP tactics (too many to count), please do yourself a favor and do not order from this company or you too could become a victim.

Country: USA
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