Appleshaw Bird & Mitchell
Consumer Report


My husband has alzheimers and receiving letters
saying he has received up to 4 million dollars.
This is on a regular basis. I try to intercept
the letters, but to no avail. They ask for
$25.00 filing fee or the past 2 yrs. I know of $7,000. Oo he has sent to various
companies. Can't these people be stopped from
praying on the elderly and those without the
mental ability to realize it is a scam.
Thank you.

Company: Appleshaw Bird & Mitchell
Country: USA
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Addleshaw, Bird & Mitchell
Consumer Report

Appleshaw Bird & Mitchell Notification Office
Consumer Report

Addleshaw, Bird & Mitchell
Consumer Report

Addleshaw, Bird & Mitchell / Ethan James / Undisbursed Payments Burea
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Addleshaw, Bird & Mitchell
Consumer Report

Addleshaw, Bird & Mitchell
Consumer Report

Addleshaw, Bird & Mitchell
Consumer Report

Addleshaw, Bird & Mitchell
Consumer Report

Addleshaw, Bird & Mitchell
Consumer Report

Addleahaw, Bird & Mitchell
Consumer Report