Explorer Communications
Consumer Report


A male came to the door selling magazines to win a trip, if he earned enough points he would win a trip. I was told i would receive first issue of Super Chevy in about 4 to 6 weeks. Haven't received an issue yet. Called the phone number disconnected / invalid also went to website and nothing. If this is a scam I want my money back for false advertisement.

Company: Explorer Communications
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
ZIP: 85071
Address: P.O. Box 83135
Phone: 5202331347
Site: explorercomm.com
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Explorer Communications
Consumer Report

Points Across America
Paid nearly $200 for magazines from a door to door saleman. Never received Magazines!

CRS Inc., LSS Inc
Did not receive magazines I subscribed to and payed for

Explorer Communications
Consumer Report

RLA inc. magazines
Paid 6 mos ago for magazines to boy selling for school trip. Didnt get it yet and overpriced

FTFT Magazines
Face To Face Magazine Sales scammed me into buying magazines by taking advantage of my busy schedule by making it impossible to refuse their service

ECR, Inc
Jay K Magazine Scam! Fake college students selling magazines to earn points

Lone Star Subscriptions
College students selling rip-off magazines door-to-door Matt Dotson

RLA inc - greg elmore
RLA inc / greg elmore BEWARE! Gave money, for magazines, to young man for points towards a trip, no magazines and its been 7 months! Where's my mags? I want the money back!

Face To Face Technologies
Miami dream team Energetic young girl knocks loudly at my door selling magazines to get points to win a trip to Italyfor college