CleverBridge, Inc
Consumer Report


Paid for them to clean up my system but ended up with a virus. Had to cancel all cards etc. As do not know how much info they have gathered. Now cannot seem to get through on their contact number. Request a total refund.

Company: CleverBridge, Inc
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Chicago
ZIP: 60601-3805
Address: 360 N Michigan Ave, Ste 1900
Phone: 3129228693
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Consumer Report

Trend Micro
Ripoff false advertising, lousy product This anti virus does not work It allows a virus and cannot delete, clean or quananteen it After two weeks of this crap I called to get a refund They laughted at me Cupertino
Consumer Report

Antivirus 2009 Professional
This not only a scam. IT IS A VIRUS! Windows Security had to clean the system, took 18 hrs to remove the virus. Do not install this program, regardless of what the "pop-ups" tell you!

CleverBridge, Inc
Consumer Report

CleverBridge-Registery Clean Pro
Consumer Report

Cleverbridge ag koeh
Consumer Report
Anti-virus Scam, Pop-up Virus Scam

Best Soft
Best Soft If you see a pop up on your computer saying your virus protection has expired and your computer is infected do not give your credit card info! U

System Tool
Sold by one or more online software companies, not by System Tool itself. "Lifetime" subscription to System Tool