Consumer Report


I posted my profile on in April. The profile was nearly identical to my profile. Women tell me often that I'm handsome, successful, polite and an all-round great catch (my ex-wife even says so). Getting dates has never been a problem for me, so I'm not the typical fat, desperate dude. I just haven't found an American woman I want to be with.
Beginning in April and continuing through August I purchased "Qpid Network credits" totalling $2253. The average cost of a credit being $4-$6 depending on how many were purchased at a time.
Shortly after my posting, I started receiving dozens of responses from "ladies" and within 3 weeks, I had nearly 500 responses. Since I'm not looking to sire children, I started eliminating those that mentioned "wanting to have children" or "starting a family". Then the women who were too young (early 20s) and so on until there were 4 remaining. After a short time I eliminated 3 more through email exchanges. One woman appeared to be what I might be looking for, but after emailing and chatting for about 2 months, I determined she was emotionally immature, so I broke it off in a very polite way.
In late May, I received a very personal and intelligent response from a lady named "Natalia (C824189)". She seemed perfect, a business owner, wanted to travel and we continued to exchange nearly-daily emails for 3 months. We discussed where we would meet, how she would manage her business living in the US with me and so on. All the while I kept asking if I could get her contact info; she agreed and site rules are such that a man must purchase the info. So I formally requested the info through the site, only to be told I have to submit to a "Qpid Seal". This involves sending a copy of my passport and phone number and they check my info for legitimacy. That done, I requested the contacted info several more times, only to be told by the site and the lady that her local agency had to process the request. This went on for over a month and I wrote a more sternly-worded email to the site about getting the run around.
And wouldn't you know it, a few days later the lady told me her former lover from college had shown up in her city (Donetsk) and she still had deep feelings for him, etc, etc.
I'm not an uncaring person, and I know such things happen, but: Since she told me she's getting back with her (local) boyfriend, she's been logged onto the site every day. (There is an indicator on the site that tells you when the lady is online.) So if she's seeing her old beau, what the heck is she doing on the site anymore?
After going through the photos she sent more carefully, I can see that some have brown eyes, others light blue. Some facial features are too different from others to be the same person. It's a scam.
It would be as cheap for some guys to just go to Ukraine for a couple of weeks and actually meet some women and take them out. Luckily I got out of this scam before I invested some big money.
Shame on these people.

Country: USA
State: Hong Kong
City: Shatin
Address: Unit 1317-1318, 13/F, Delta House, 3 On Yiu Street
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Consumer Report

Tatiana and the Qpid Network
Consumer Report
Consumer Report
Consumer Report
Consumer Report
Consumer Report
Fraudulent matchmaking site for connecting with Chinese women, China

CC Bill 20 ladies gave me the run around and then head for the hills
Consumer Report
Consumer Report