Consumer Report


Recieved a letter stateing that i was a winner for a cash prize in the amount up to as much as 3,062, 814,00 I knew it was fraudulient before i even opened the evenlope! These ppl need to be stopped ASAP!!!

Company: Rdd
Country: USA
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Sweepstakes Clearinghouse
T.V. Ripoff

Sent me a letter saying i won 3,341, 006.00 and i sent 20.00 in return evenlope and recieved nothing they told me in the letter i was guaranteed winner ripoff

Opportunities unlimited publications, inc
Oup inc. I recieved a letter of declaraton of decisions to nominate to play letter, it stated " Our prize director has requsted that i send the fee of $10.00 in order top be announce that i be the winner of $2

Registered Disbursement Division
Consumer Report

Prize Distribution Center/C.A.A.S

Prize. Bbpw.Biz
Consumer Report

Disney Channel
Disney test - MacBook Air Laptop

Sweepstakes Information Reporting Services
Ripoff-cash prize winner disposition papers & you have already won

Prize and Award Presentation
Consumer Report

Baughman Co.inc
Reese Evans Check - Survey Winner Vancouve