Capital Choice


What one can do is dispute the charges, if you never received the merchandice you can dispute the charges and if the bank cannot get a hold of any one they have to return the money, at least this is what someone at my bank told me. A dispute doesn't cost anything, Also you may have to change your account or close and reopen one this is what my bank told me to do since they have the routing # and checking account# they can with draw when ever they want. Good luck I have already closed my checking account... I will only get scamed once.

Company: Capital Choice
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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Capital Bank
I had money taken from my account from a company I never heard of, and it caused me to go into overdraft, and Capital Bank charges $5 A DAY on overdraft, and when I went to dispute the charges

US Bank
Us Bank - Online Charges dispute. Ridiculous impossible company to deal with

Capital One Credit Cards
Reopend my bank account information after I deleted it and made a $300 transaction

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
If you sent a check to Capital Choice—close your account now!

Capital Choice
Capital Choice "Stupid Assholes" Capital Choice dirty SOB's, evil dirt bags, rip off scam con artists, slime-ball scabs! Rotten m f'ers Florida

Fund Assurance, 866-761-1124
Consumer Report

Captial Choice Consumer Credit
Capital Choice Consumer Credit

Capital Vacation
Ripoff if they have your account please cancel your bank account fill out an affidavit of exemption through your bank for unauthorized charges! Petersburg florida

Caapital First
Capital First ripoff Here is how I got my money back

GE Money Bank
Sam's Club Discover Card GE Money Bank lies to BBB then recharges my account