Consumer Report


I was called they said they were recieveing alot of error messages from my computer on Microsoft servers. Then they said they could show me if i let them in using remote control of my pc. I did and then then loaded various software programs on my pc supposed to fix my pc. They told for $200.00 i could get 2 years of protection. It was originally $229.00 but Akash Ram said he would give me for $200.00 if i sent money by western union. Started to fill out form for online transfer using a credit card but they said that won't work; i needed to send cash. The onlne form was closed before i could remove my card info. I sent the $200.00 to Akash Ram. Later after the programs finished my pc was worse condition then before. On 8/1 I recieved a cancelation notice from western union about a online money transfer. I emailed them to let them know they did not fix my pc their people were rude to me called me a liar and i found out by going to someone else they hacked into my IPA addres so they could steal my personal info off my pc. I asked for my money back But Mark Hammer the manager was very rude raising his voice and calling me a liar. He claims my pc was running good when he was on remotely. Not true. They tried to steal more money by using the online form i started but that they closed before i could remove my info. I know this to be true because i called western union about the transaction and had them block my ifo from furthet use. I have kept all the paper work as proof of thier dishonest work ethics.

Country: USA
State: California
City: Camarillo
ZIP: 93010
Address: 1601 Carmen Drive, Suite #207
Phone: 610280915002
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