Consumer Report


This site uses what appear to be phony profiles to attract and maintain your business. It amazed me how many women in my area were supposedly hot for me the instant I signed up, before I even filled out my profile, and no profile picture either, but didn't think about it again until I was talking with a friend back east who has an account with Ulust and he checked out some of the women I was getting emails from. Magically they were from his local area too! I also spoke a friend of a with mine that works in a company in England. I asked him if he could check those same profiles and they were from his local area too. This is not one person abusing their privileges, this is obviously done by Ulust, not the individual members. When I used the online assistance to find a way to make a complaint, I was told my account had been cancelled, with no reimbursement, and that this is not a fault of the site, but was due to members misusing the system. This was after being a member for about two weeks on a 3 month contract.

Company: Ulust.com
Country: USA
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Ulust dating site appears not to be legitimate florida

Consumer Report

Ulust.com 2 day trial, yea right!

Scams and Ripoffs

Waste of time

Fake profiles

Ashley Madison
Charges you to delete your FREE account Toronto

Glam chicka 09 she is scam artist on ulust.com jus promises money for love. Cebu