Consumer Report


My complaint is the same as the other 324. I paid £1.99 for a free sample, but when I received my latest credit card bill I had been charged £84.71, and when I rang them I was told the £1.99 was for shipping only.
I have queried the amount lost, as my credit card company have claimed the amount back from the company today, and promised to keep in touch with me if this company try to re-claim it.
At least I have an email from this company saying they have cancelled by subscription. (Good of them since I never took one out in the first place). At least that should mean I will not be billed for any further amounts.

Company: LiftGloPro
Country: USA
State: West Lothian
City: Linlithgow
Address: P.O. BOX 13511
Phone: 448081890973
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DSMarket 41 Parr Blvd, Bolton, Ontario, L7E 4E3
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