Bruce Golding
Consumer Report


Promised 2.5 mill and a mercedes gave lic number and ref numbers for ups and told he was going to meet me to give the check he said my phone number was selected to win he had me get a green dot money pak card sctatch it and give him the number then go home and wait and hed come meet me at my friends place he asked mr to go back to wallmart and do it again i lost the money money i cant afford to loose. Allready don t have a car or a house someehow i knew it was a scam but really hoped it wasnt really wanted the mercedes since i dont have a car he promised on his family life. It wasnt a hoax and that he was christian and wouldnt lie (lots of bad people claim to be christians as a cover)

Company: Bruce Golding
Country: USA
Phone: 8764068723
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