MGM Watches Volv
Consumer Report


I got on and ordered off the Internet and this site came on and said i won a free watch and all i had to do was send $5.99 for shipping and handling and now i am getting charges on my Bank Statement for $95.00 and another one for $49.99 and i want to know how I can get my money back

Company: MGM Watches Volv
Country: USA
State: California
City: Burbank
ZIP: 91504
Address: 101 Victory Blvd., Suite L, #145
Phone: 8663540045
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MNC Watches
Consumer Report

MGM Watches Volv
Consumer Report

MGM*Watches Volv aka Volvado Watches
Consumer Report

Omaximus or Omax
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MNC Watches
Consumer Report

MNC Watches
Consumer Report

MNC Watches
Consumer Report

MNC Watches
Consumer Report

Maxnaim Fine Watches
MaxNaim, com fine watches, jewelry purchased a watch for 5.99 shipping and handling included, it stated free gift. Just pay for shipping and handling. Charged me additional 98.00 and 49.00 monthly bills

Mark Max
Consumer Report