Consumer Report


This person sent me a emial pretending to be a leader of some mystery shopping company and wanted me to cash these moneyorders at my bank, do thier so-called assignment and keep a $200 payment as the wages collected for the assignment completion... I just spoke to my bank who did not cash the moneyorders but deposited the moneyorders into my account and they said that they were fradulent. So luckily i did not take any of the money out of my account but now they are investigating this person to see if they can catch him, which i am hoping they do as soon as possible to keep other people from having to go through what i'm dealing with now.

Company: Charles
Country: USA
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TN Fabric And Textiles
Scammers, low down to the ground dogs! Internet

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John Olive
Consumer Report Contact name: Alfred Phone: 1-520-303-7671
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Mystery Shopper Job
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