Consumer Report


My son's hpone bill was over £20 more that it should have been, so I went online to see his itemised bill and could see that he was being charged £4.50 a week, I spoke to Orange who said they could not stop it, agreed it was out of order what this company was doing but they get away with it, she gave me a telephone number 08081890379 and also an e-mail address uksupport@mobileservicedesk.com, I e-mailed this company asking for my money back as they are taking advantage of vulnerable people, they replied and sai that they could not refund due to it being a digital product they tried to ring my son phone to expalin this. I then replied saying what they are doing is wrong, and that they should me as my son is only 13, they did phone and I argued with them, they accepted that my child was a minor but still would not refund, they had unsbscribed him but that is all they can do and my son should be responsibale for his own handset. My arguement is that there is no security step to stop children going on this app or upgrading an app in his case to stop these kind of charges. I then e-mailed saying I was going to seek legal advice, go down every route I could to exploit them for what they are doing. I still need to sxplore my avenue as I am unsure where to go next, but I have not finished with them yet. The same chap phoned me back asked me what I wanted now and told him my money back. They still refuse to pay up and I told him they were abusing young childer and vulnerable people.

If anyone can help me where to go next I would be much appreciated.

Company: 80990/08081890379
Country: USA
Phone: 4408081890379
Site: mobileservicedesk.com
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Consumer Report

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