Consumer Report


I Also got money stolen by this company. They are very quick. I was told to western union money and completely ignoring my gut feelings I did it. Their website looks so official and they sound professional at first once the scam is complete they turn into viscous foreign criminals that they are. I was told as soon as I gavel reference number I would receive my tracking number. I was asked to send to a Michael Harley in New York. The next morning I was told they were unable to send the package and it would arrive the next day but I needed to do one more thing to get my tracking number. Switch the western union name to Reita Malm. As soon as I was done with that I called back and they said ok we were unable to get your order so we are sending u 240 pills, double my order and I had to send $250 more dollars. I freaked out knowing at that minute I had been scammed. He said thank you and hung up. I called western union immediately tryin to stop the transaction but was left on hold just long enough to miss my money. Western union is not very helpful either in catching these crooks which is fear of accruing my own criminal record I'm afraid to turn these guys into the FBI's website for Internet scams. Does anyone know the facts on that? The men that stole my money said they would turn me in to the FA? And they would come and arrest me trying to buy without a RX. How dare they tell me I'm the one in trouble when I was only a payin customer. I've called many times and they always call back with a different foreign voice. The most intelligent sounding one said his name was John Walker, Nice American name jackass. These people need to be stopped so more good, Honest, hard working Americans don't get screwed! Lets stand together people and bring them down! Signed, The Angry American ;)

Country: USA
Phone: 7074130413
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Sequre Online Pharmacy This website conned me into sending over $550 by Western Union to get a 20% discount, promised overnight Fed Ex delivery free and never shipped the product

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Tried to scam me. Asked me to sent them 462.08 for a 5000

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They Claim To Be Working For The Government
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