Alore Skin Care
Consumer Report


Ordered "free" sample for shipping costs only and have now been billed for $98.71. Called company who tell me that I needed to call them right away to cancel for this to be a free item.

Company: Alore Skin Care
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Wilmington
ZIP: 19801-2230
Address: 427 N Tatnall, Suite #94527
Phone: 8772241174, 8887211981
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Alore Skin Care
Consumer Report

Alore Skin Care And Lorelia Skin Care
Consumer Report

Alore Skin Care
Consumer Report

Alore Skin Care
Consumer Report

Alore Skin Care
Consumer Report

Alore Skin Care
Consumer Report

Alore Skin Care
Consumer Report

Alore Skin Care
Consumer Report

Alore Skin Care
Consumer Report

AG Skin Care
Unexpected $59.95 Charge, No Refund