DAP Awards Claim Division Coral Springs Fl
Consumer Report


I received two letters; first one was from tla, unclaimed dollars total$1,750, 233.99 cad rights have been officially offered strictly to theresa. Proceed with claim by writing initials on the line next to each question and returning this section along with the required fee; data file: 1099-a, distribution id: 50010925405, tag: 10487-0025.
Dap-ditribution claim allowance: certifying rights to claim $1,750, 233.99-declared only for theresa (direct contact attempt (final notice)
data file: 1099-a, distribution id: 80010249584, tag: 10487-0025
prepared for: declaration herein constitutes your rights: concerning a large distribution of funds totaling $1,750, 233.99, documentation is now registered in your name only and is ready for you to claim. Due to the large value of this transaction we must stress to you the urgency and confidntiality concerning this matter. Dap request you proceed in this manner and follow all of the directions to avoid any potential disappointment.
Persuant to dispensation thereof: dap awards claim division ran the eligible selectee data file1099-a which determined that distridution id 80010249584 shall recieve this document with a large unclaimed amount of $1,750, 233.99. Our director then issued and finalised statement on your bahalf as quoted.
"we at dap are very happy on this day to bring mrs theresa st denis this great news. It is our company mission to bring people valuable assets through quality research and today is a day to see the fruits of our labors. We wish you the best in your bright future."
on the top right hand corner above the horse there are some small numbers 6374-82442-001 - dd-01-can under neath the horse numbers are dd-o1 1035. Very bottom right hand is a bar code 80010249584.
Portion i was to return is the same as the tla delivery request. On the back it says dap is an independent research and reporting organization specializing in investgating and informing subscriberers about various cash prize draws offered by the public by independent sponsors. This informationis presentedto subscribers in an easy to read pre paid report. Differentgraphicrepresentationsof this offer, includingavailable prizesand opportunities may be madeat the discretionof dap. Dap does not have any direct affilia-tion with any of the above mentioned sponsers. Nor does it represent or has any affiliations with any government agency or institution. Subscribers are saked to research, review, compile and comply at all times with all laws, regulations, mandates and restrictions of all prize draws contained in dap's informational report. The information is dap's report is believed to be accurate at the time of printing. However if any typographical representations, printing, or publishing errors occur within this report, dap is only responsible for refund of the purchase price of said report. Any sub-scriber not satisfied will be granted a full refund with return of report and a letter request for refund within 60 days of purchase. Subscribers who may no longer wish to receive or participate in daps mailings please send a written request to dap, 5944 coral ridge dr#159 cral springs, fl 33076 usa

This is so wrong, how can they do this to people, who wouldn't want this to be true and they make it sound believable, but there was no phone number to contact or website etc. Add $30.00 times a million people wow.
I hope this info helped and can put a stop to this before it hurts anymore people sincerely yours

Company: DAP Awards Claim Division Coral Springs Fl
Country: USA
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Have A Letters From (TLA) 5645 Coral Ridge Dr#416 Coral Springs, FL. 33076 USA / Also (DAP) 934 N University Dr#332 Coral Springs, FL 33071
Consumer Report

TLA Awards Department
Consumer Report

TLA Awards Department
Consumer Report

TLA Awards Department
Consumer Report

TLA Awards Department
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Distribution Claim Allowance
Consumer Report

TLA AWARDS DEPARTMENT (Distribution Claim Allowance)
Consumer Report

International Award Advisors
June Aguiar RIPOFF, Meaningless statement on reverse of letter... Legalese... Total garbage!

Emerson Publishing Incorporated