Consumer Report


I wanted to get a replacement ss card i filled out there application and paid the 34.00 and they said i could download and application and could not get one. I emailed them and my bank e-mailed them and we did not a response from them. Please help me get my 34.00 back.

Thank you,
sue ann Kulze

Company: D&g
Country: USA
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HNE Reality
Consumer Report

I paid the $25 application fee almost 2 months ago and now the website says forbidden when I go to it

Bennett & Gray, LLC
Charges for a social security application download

Capital First (aka: Capital Choice)
Capital First aka: Capital Choice ripoff telemarketing lies, harrassment, and threats

Payasyougoelectronics.com Took my $25 and no product sent, returned application and they will not reply to my emails

Web Usa
Ripoff rude dishonest money hungry scam artist

Bennett & Gray, LLC
Charged me $19.99 for providing replacement social security card but it was a scam

Palm Loan Advances
Consumer Report

Paydayloan4less And Cashadvancenow
Ripoff deceptive company

Consumer Report