Garcinia Cambogia Fat Buste
Consumer Report


Scam! I recieved an email from a friend and decided to purchase the product. Turns out his email was stolen and I called the company to request my money back. They told me I had to take the product for at least 30 days before returning. After 30 days I was told I couldn;t return after 30 days. This company/product is a total scam. It does not work and you will not be allowd to returnt he product. Avoid!!!

Company: Garcinia Cambogia Fat Buste
Country: USA
Phone: 8559786683, 8777630272
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Garcinia Cambogia Customer Service Company
Consumer Report

Garcinia Cambogia
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Garcinia Cambogia Fat Buste
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Garcinia Cambogia Fat Buste
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Garcinia Cambogia Jupite
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Garcinia Cambogia Fat Buste
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Garcinia Cambogia
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