Linda Quaye
Consumer Report


Linda Quaye, if that is here real name, gets contacts from dating sites then gets you to close your account and just use the email address she gave you. She will start with a story about her father being dead and there is just her and her mother and an Uncle. Then she comes on really strong "wants to spend the rest of our lives together, we will get married, but I need money for a visa/passport, to pay her rent or to buy clodthes to look nice for you. Now this girl is absollutly drop dead gorgeous and will even go on Skype for a sexy show. Super thick skin and very cleaver on her fee. Don't be overcome by her beauty, when you communicate with her there is no real conversation, just a lot of I love you's and want to be your wife. So Beware, I did get a lot of really hot pics from he

Company: Linda Quaye
Country: USA
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I withdraw money and I never got money in my account. They took money from my credit card and said if you don't like it just withdraw your money. When asked for withdraw they response and than they said its on the way but i recieved it
Consumer Report