I Believe He Is A Romance Scamme
Consumer Report


Not sure who this guy really is, claims to be a contractor in North Miami, Fl, recieved email today that he was awarded a contract in Cape Town, South Africia, first to build a shopping mall and now it's to oil drilling. Please, just get your facts straight.

Company: I Believe He Is A Romance Scamme
Country: USA
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John Brogan
Consumer Report

Romance Pros International.inc
Romance Pros Dating service, which they screen people before you meet them

Demarion Kinly
Consumer Report

Romance Pros International INC
People beware of this company its a total scam. I was totally scammed and ignored after the first and last date and a few emails I sent to them

Marion Browning-Baker Family Law Practice
Ella Quinn - Fiction Romance Writer Long-time theft of her clients money in Germany From 1995 Stuttgart

Consumer Report

Us Military
David Nelson, dave, dav, jackdavid, jack and james Romance, marriage, open bank account so money can be sent for our future, requested compute

Romance Pros
Services Not Being Provided as the Contract States

Royal Caribbean - Royal Romance - The Wedding Experience
Could have planned it better myself! Way over-priced for the amount of work that was actually done

Disney Channel
Disney test - MacBook Air Laptop