Precision NuWave Cooktop
Consumer Report


I purchased a nuwave cookware top hoping to share with a friend. I was charged so much money for shipping and handling, and I cannot use the cooktop. Also, the information they sent with the cooktop, ie: a DVD, will not work in my computer. So do not purchase this garbage. I spent a lot of money for nothing.

Company: Precision NuWave Cooktop
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Libertyville
ZIP: 60048-1227
Address: 1755 Butterfield Road, Ste 3
Phone: 8557422665, 8882870763, 8886892831, 8502615460, 8005254318, 2245382005, 8477758123, 8006765270, 8002291343
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Nuwave induction cooktop
Consumer Report

Precision NuWave Cooktop
Consumer Report

Nuwave Cooktop
Induction Cookware Charged excessive amount for shipping and handling, false advertisement

Precision Induction Cooktop
FREE Items are not so FREE

NuWave Cooktop Purchased from Precision Induction Cooktop
Consumer Report

NuWave Precision Cooktop
Consumer Report

Nuwave Precision Induction Cooktop (PIC)
Consumer Report

Precision NuWave Cooktop
Consumer Report

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