Gabriel Rosenburm
Consumer Report


Same complaint contents as already posted on this website. I had posted a Craigslist ad, and I first received a response from "Hector Fanandez" (see below contents); and when i replied to that email, then i received a reply from "Gabriel Rosenburm" (see below contents).

From "Hector Fanandez"
Thanks for the swift response, just to let you know that am okay with the condition and price of the item, am ready for its purchase and am willing to add an extra $50 to the asking price to secure the purchase as am really interested in the purchase my form of payment will be by sending you Check via USPS express mail delivery.

I'll be responsible for the pick-up and the pick up money will be included in your payment to avoid delay and to enable pick up company to schedule an appropriate time for he pick-up at your location after check has been cashed and fully cleared your bank, as i have other properties to be moved alongside with yours.

I would have really love to come for the viewing and pay in person by cash but due to my work frame that might not be possible i work in the mining industry and have a one week off and 3 weeks none stop to work in the mine this was why i incurred the service of a pickup agent, so if if you have the pics that might be an option. Please do get back to me with your full name and address including your cell and land number to facilitate the mailing of the payment.

Many Thanks

From Gabriel Rosenburm
Thanks for the prompt response i want you to know that am okay with the condition of the item and i will love to make an instant purchase. I will be mailing (overnight) a certified check from my account to cover the cost, while you hold item on my behalf, am willing to give an extra $40 for you to hold item till you receive payment. Once you have payment, I will have my handler come for pickup at your place as soon as check clears your bank. I will be needing the following information to issue out the payment..

1. Name to be on the check

2. Home Address

3. Telephone

4. Final Asking Price

* Please note that the payment will be mailed overnight via the courier to your address and its bound to delivered within 2 to 3 days. I have taken a closer look at the item and am very satisfied i really need this and would appreciates that you help hold this for me till the payment

Arrives. Furthermore do remove the posting from CRAIGSLIST as am definitely buying it from you. Hope to hear from you ASAP


Mr Gabriel Rosenburm

Company: Gabriel Rosenburm
Country: USA
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Gabriel Rosenburm
Consumer Report

Mr. Gabriel Rosenburm
Consumer Report

Gabriel Rosenburm
Consumer Report

Mr Gabriel Rosenburm
Consumer Report

Gabriel Rosenburm
Consumer Report

Gabriel Rosenburm
Consumer Report

Gabriel Rosenburm
Consumer Report

Gabriel Rosenburm
Consumer Report

Gabriel Rosenburm
Consumer Report

Gabriel Rosenburm
Consumer Report