Freedom 1st National Bank
Consumer Report


I sent 500.00 dollars to be put in a credit card account as a secured card account. Option A was for 900.00 dollars and option B the one I chose for 500.00 dollars. I never received the card and spoke with one person about a week ago who said the card was sent and I should receive it but never did. I now get a voice mail message when I call and the website I was directed to view in the original letter/offer is nonexistent It's a scam and I am beyond disheartened that I lost that money!

Company: Freedom 1st National Bank
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: West Palm Beach
ZIP: 34416
Address: P.O. Box 16431
Phone: 8889980585
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Freedom 1st National Bank
Consumer Report

Freedom 1st National Bank
Consumer Report

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Freedom 1st National Bank
Consumer Report

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Freedom 1st National Bank
Consumer Report

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