Consumer Report


Well, from what I read here, it seems I fell for the same scam many others fell for. I have been talking to a wonderful girl in which I thought I had a lot in common with. I have had my doubts wondering if it was her or not because of the way she talked, but now it seems she (or he?) may have been just telling me what I wanted to hear.

She refuses to contact me through phone so I can give her the rest of my contact information (I gave her my phone number using emoticons because the website charges hundreds to thousands of dollars of time and money dedicated to the site before allowing two people to exchange phone numbers).

Also, they have you jumping hurdles in order to even meet the person you are talking to, if that option is even given which it seems most of the time it is not.

The website DOES NOT translate chat or EMF messages like they say they do. The girl I have been talking to says she has to use an e translator on the internet to translate what I write so she can understand it. Whether or not this is true I do not know and most likely never will.

All this site seems to be is a scam taking advantage of guys here in America who are sick and tired of American women and are looking for kinder women with not so black hearts.

The unfortunate thing is, is if I really was talking to an actual lady that actually did like me, then we both ended up being scammed. I doubt it though being she can call me anytime she wants and simply doesn't, despite her strong feelings for me, despite thinking about me all day and night.

If I go on there again, the first thing I am doing is asking her to send me a picture with her name and a printed picture of me next to her in that picture. That way I can at least know I wasn't completely being ripped off and may have possibly had a not so horrible person grow feelings for me for once.

Country: USA
State: Hong Kong
City: Shatin
Address: Unit 1317-1318, 13/F, Delta House, 3 On Yiu Street
  <     >  

Consumer Report
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