Fortune Learning Systems
Consumer Report


I started this homebased business called fortune learning systems. I was told that to start the business, credit balance from the credit cards would be used. A few days later after I signed up, I saw a $1,300 charge from them. And a few days later, $3,700 from my other credit card account. I wish a few more days could have been available. Now that they don't exist is there a way to get our money back?

Company: Fortune Learning Systems
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
ZIP: 89103
Address: 3900 Schiff Drive
Phone: 8018541577, 8662021960
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Fortune learning systems

Fortune Learning Systems
Fls conned me into this systems and it doesn't work period

Fortune Learning Systems
Made All Kinds of Promises But Never Delivered

Fortune Learning Systems
Consumer Report

Fortune learning systems

Fortune Learning Systems
Fortune Learning had cost me $26,000.00 dollars to never get a website or any income for the them. Then they abandon there site and now I am left with a credit card debt with a colection company wantin

Fortune Learning Systems
Consumer Report

Fortune Learning Systems
Teach marketing strategies and build website. Provide coaching and assistance in building business

Fortune Learning Systems
Consumer Report

Fortune Learning Systems
Misleading and Fraudulent Services