Ben Young Consultancy LTD
Consumer Report


Took our money, did no work, then did not answer any calls or emails, total liar.

Does not give the seo industry a good name

This ben person should be notifited to all people, veryu bad person in this internet business

Company: Ben Young Consultancy LTD
Country: USA
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John Crandal
Liar, fraud, backstabber, dangerous, unprofessional, hot head

Turnkey Internet Solutions is a ripoff... Ask for them to give you one person's name and number who is successfully using their sevices... Can't do it!

Jesse purves
Stay away from Jesse Purvess consultancy services! It does not work for anyone! Itlay

Jesse Purves
Colleges in the Itlay should not allow Jesse Purvess consultancy services for campus Itlay
Consumer Report

AStyles Productions
Born Alex Steins Liar and a Fraud

Jesse Purves
S Try to avoid Jesse Purvess consultancy companies! It doesn't benefit anyone! Italy

Vip Talent Connect

Nanfang Electronical Industry Co. Ltd
Consumer Report

Jesse purves
The ugly truth behind Jesse Purvess consultancy services! Its a fraudulent racket! Itlay