Consumer Report


I received a letter from a research company to survey an android tablet. I had to cfall a toll free number at 888-312-6280 and commit to attend a ophour and a half iopen house seminar. I attended the seminar on 2/14 given by Global Connections, Inc. And basically they talked vacation packages. The continually said there was no commitments required from us, just to hear them out. After the 2 hour presentation they herded us into a room where we were paired with a representative to put on the hard sell. When I told the representative that I was not interested and could not afford it, she guilted me by saying that she would not get payed if I did not at least speak with their financial representative who could make it more economical for me. I agreed to do so, but continued to tell them that I am not in a finiacial position to commit to thousands of dollars in vacation expenses. When, I finally was allowed to leave they told me that I would be e-mailed a coucher to submit to receive my 7" android and 3 day hotel accomodations as my gift for coming and that after I submitted it my gift would arrive in 6-8 weeks. I have followed up with multiple calls being told first that it had not been entered yet. Secondly, was told that they were really far behind and there was nothing they could do. The third time on 4/16 Janelle told me that she manually entered the information and that I would receive my gift in a week. It is 5/7. I have not received anything. I called bacvk and spoke with Jackie HJones, the floor manager who said she would e-mail the shipping manager to make this a priority. She was very rude and condescending. This is the biggest fraudulent scam! Do not waste your time on SimplyGreat or Global Connections, Inc. They are full of lies and deceit!

Country: USA
Phone: 8666532139, 8003096192
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Consumer Report

Global Connections Inc./Simply Great Gifts
Consumer Report
Consumer Report

T.J. Johnson and Associates
Gifts by Monet Free Android Tablet survey SCAM, survey meaningless, its a timeshare pitch
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

T J Johnson and Associates
Consumer Report
Consumer Report

Global Vacation Network
High Pressure Sales Scam. Lured in with false Gifts
Consumer Report