BT Insurance Group
Consumer Report


These checks are fraudulent. Drawn on a closed account. All checks are for $1,995.60 and related to bogus Secret Shopper scam. Do not deposit. Do not cash. Destroy letter and check.

Company: BT Insurance Group
Country: USA
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Rogers Jack
Consumer Report

Trent Carter Company
America's Secret Shopper Inc. Pretend to be a legitimate co who wants you to work for them and to go out and do secret shopper jobs at Walmart and they will pay 250.00 and you are to do secret shopper job at western union!

Secret Shopper Anthony Bickerton
Consumer Report

Insider Mystery Shopping
Secret Shopper Scam

Atlantic Marketing & Logistics Management Inc
Atlantic Market Reseach & Logistics Secret Shopper scam

David Morgan
Secret Shopper, Santa's Secret Shopper asked me to pose as a secret shopper at Western Unions then sent fake checks to send off as wires

Lynne Palmer Executive Recruitment Inc
Lynne Palmer Executive Recruitment - Fabulous Smiles secret shopper, scam alert

Holmes Market Research
Consumer Report

BT Insurance Group
Consumer Report

Shopping Disbursements (A Subsidiary Of Shopping Jobs Inc.)
Mailed out Counterfeit Cashiers Check Canada