Consumer Report


He friended me from as an attorney who was in Cambodia to collect 7million6oothousand dollars left to him by a deceased client. Although he went by Robert Edwards 230 His name on this apparentley fake bank draft was Robert Smith. He asked me if I could give him half of the money he needed for the bank to release the money to him was 800. Oo and he would get the rest Well needless to say I sent him the money but then the price went up which caused me to become suspiousous. I have his pictures and this document downloaded on my computer. The other 150.00 was sent to hom by me because he said he had no food to feed his daughter. Any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated. I have all my wester Union paoers of these transfers. Thank you Audrey Levandoski

Country: USA
State: Phnom Penh
Address: Address Not Yet on File
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Ripoff I received the same letter of the decease family member big scam artist got as far as contacting an attorney that he gave a name of Lagos nigeria

Robert Half San Antonio, Texas
Jeff Smith After the contract ended, Jeff forged my signature on a bogus timesheet & sent to client
Consumer Report

Robert Smith 202-657-6862
Consumer Report

Robert Clarkson
Inheritance from deceased client leaving 14.7million US dollars in Standard Investment Trust Bank account (Certificate of Deposit) Lagos State

Robert Megan
Consumer Report

Jetter Backhouse & Associados
Consumer Report

William Roland
Consumer Report

Robert James aka on email as
Consumer Report

Robert e kwaitkowski
Consumer Report