Consumer Report


I have had this guy calling me and threatening me to have me arrested if i dont pay him 1,250.00 first he said he was jeff austin the next time he called he said he was david fisher, and the next time he called he said he was mr white. He gave me the # 1-214-446-1500 he said he was collecting a debt for cash advance america he said he was a resolution and dipute officer. I asked him for the company # and he gave me 1-206-209-2379 and when i call that # it sounds like the same guy, he sounds like a foreigner. I have a message from him threatening to have me arrested on my answering maching...

Company: 1-214-446-1500
Country: USA
State: South Carolina
City: Spartanburg
ZIP: 29306
Address: 135 N. Church Street
Phone: 3237397071, 8189451425, 8883104238, 8645155600, 9097520259, 3603226539, 8503911555
Site: advanceamerica.net
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Cash advance america
I never got a cash advance from this company. Having foreigner calling and demanding money. His name is Phillip and he has my ss# and threatening me with being arrested and a suit of fraud

Cash Advance USA
Called me, said my SS# was being investigated, I owed Cash Advance USA money that I never ever3 applied for. I was told I'd be arrested

Cash advance USA

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Stated I am being arrested and taked to court for a loan I never recieved. Even called my job and told my boss they were going to arrest me. Then hung up the phone The person

US Dept Of Justice Files Injunction Lawsuit Against PQI
Officer James Spain Threaten me that would be Arrested if did not Handle and would need Bail money to get out of jail. Would not give

Cash Advance America
Consumer Report

Officer Angela Green, US Financial Crime Division
Officer Angela Green was calling from US Financial Crime Division

USA Cash Advance or Cash Advance Debt Collectors
Consumer Report

Justin white morgan and asswociates
Threatened arrest dont know

Smith Dean Assoicates
Angla Davis/United Processing Threatening debt collecters for payday advance