Richard Wayne: United Power To Success and Focus For Poor and Retire
Consumer Report


Hello, My Name is Richard wanye. From Federal Government humanity and
poverty eradication in conjuction with facebook powerball game.
And Retire Workers Federation. I Work For Powerball Lottery Foundation, We
remember That Your Name Was On Our List Here And Your Money is Available
For You To Claim, We Are Pleased To Inform You The Winners Of humanity
and poverty eradication And Retire Workers. Let us know If You
Ready to Claim the money, we Embarked on a worldwide promotion for
humanity and poverty eradication and Retire Workers, and we Explain
to you how we got your Screen name, You listen and read carefully

Ready to listen and read carefully, what is next?

A Sophisticated Automated Database to Randomly select E-mail Accounts that frequently surf the Internet. Consequent upon this, Your Facebook Profile Account was picked for Category A Winners, you have been selected as a winner.

Ok, sounds good, but what is the catch so to say

You'll have to Fill a form, So we can Locate Your Destination when bringing the Money to you. Are you ready to Fill the form now, for Security Reason? And you have to fill it online here right now. Are you Ready


Full Name...
Full Address...
Zip code...
E-mail Address...
Text phone...
Male or female...
Deaf or Hearing...
Do you Own a house or Rent Appt...
Do you want Cash or Check...? CONGRATULATION! Thanks for getting back to us Asap. We got your information, Your information has been programed in our database. Your Ticket Number is: P786475604545/188 with serial number: 07/043/39/50/26/90. The UPS are ready to bring your package money to your door step in the next 8 hours. Finally, You have to pay for Case file fee and the shipping fund, so that UPS can bring the package to your door step in the next 8 hours from now.

And how much is the UPS fee, Case filing fee

You pay $600.00 and get $250,000, 00. When you are ready to pay let us know. So we can prepare all necessary documents and give you the Address to where you are going to send money to at via Western Union Store.

Why is the 600.00 not taken out of the 250,000.00 I am sure you understand my reservations.

You have to pay upront and once we confirm your payment, your UPS tracking number will be given to you as a proof and UPS will be ready to deliver your package to your doorstep
Are you ready to pay and get your delivery?

Ok, I am ready

Do you know this western union store
(left out city name)


You will make the payment to our Cashier's address, get a pen and write down the address you will send the money to when you get to the
western union store, are you with a pen now?

Yes, do I need cash, or can I use a debit card, credit card?

name: christopher Lewis
address: (Personal Information Removed)
city: (Personal Information Removed)
state: (Personal Information Removed)
zipcode: (Personal Information Removed)
country: usa
You will send it to the address which i give to you and
check on the receipt after payment you will see some 10digits
numbers named MTCN]. Get back to me with that.

Ok, be about an hour or so.

Go now and make the payment and get back to me, so that we can prepare necessary documents for your delivery

Are you there

Just finished

What he did not know is I googled him and found that it is a scam, I sent him a fake MTCN # he is having a fit,
Are you there

Just finished (MTCN 7905138136)

How much did you send?
Are you there?

Sent the $600.00 you told me to

Check the mtcn and give me
the mtcn is not correct

MTCN 790513813) is stamped on rec, you must have copied down wrong

It should be ten digit
check well and give me
check the mtcn well and give me
Are you there?

So what is wrong

Are you with the western union reciept?


What is the sender's name as written on the western union reciept and the mtcn
Give me that now to track the transfer

Christopher Lewis

Sender's name not reciever's name


Give it to me as written in the reciept

now check well and give me the 10 degit MTCn

I do not understand, why is there a problem?

i need the MTCN number to confirm your payment
the number you gave me shows, you didnt make a payment
So check the reciept and give me the mtcn

Well too bad for him, I am about to tell him he should be very ashamed of himself along with the person on FB that is part of the scam, if true name (Sheri Bechdolt Francis) as we all know, If it sounds too good to be True, It probably is.

Company: Richard Wayne: United Power To Success and Focus For Poor and Retire
Country: USA
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