Sentry Aromred Dispatch Company Cash Prize Notification
Consumer Report


I recieved a letter telling me i was a cash winner of $898,899.00 check # 701867345 was ready to be sent to me upon returning cash disbursal aurthorization and identity conformation plus $ 20.00 cash, check or money order. Have not done it as bad as i need the funds. If this is a scam shut them down now before some one gets hurt.

Company: Sentry Aromred Dispatch Company Cash Prize Notification
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Fort Lauderdale
ZIP: 33340
Address: PO Box 409006
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Sentry Armored Dispatch Company
Consumer Report

Sentry Armored Dispatch Company
Consumer Report

Sentry Armored Dispatch Company
Consumer Report

Sentry Armored Dispatch Company
Consumer Report

Sentry Amored Dispatch Co
Consumer Report

Sentry Armored Dispatch Company
Consumer Report

Sentry Armored Dispatch Company
Consumer Report

Sentry Armored Dispatch Company
Consumer Report

Sentry Armored Dispatch Company
Consumer Report

Sentry Armored Dispatch Company
Consumer Report