WorldWide Capital, LTD
Consumer Report


I ordered 2 suppliments no charge except for £2- 95p postage each, only later to be called by my bank asking if i had ok'd a payment for £79 pounds i said no and have had a block posted on my card, i propose to send these items back to were they came from, as i have been told by my doctor not to take them, and i was not awzre tha any further chage would be made

Company: WorldWide Capital, LTD
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
ZIP: 85046-0371
Address: PO Box 30371
Phone: 8882426470, 8883765386
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WorldWide Capital, LTD
Consumer Report

Capital One Auto Finance
Capital One got my payments but did not post them to my account

Capital One
Suspicious error ro charge more interest ripoff Anchorage Alaska

Capital One / Credit Card Services
Fraud and scam

WorldWide Capital, LTD
Consumer Report

Worldwide Capital
Consumer Report

Publishers Clearing House
Sending Merchandise I did not order, Charging for postage or Paying for Postage to send it back

MK Supplements
Fraudulent credit card charge

Capital One Credit Card Services
Screws people for making way before ontime payments - Beware of this new Fraud

Central Coast Nutraceuticals, Inc
Charged for items not ordered