Attorney Assistance Cente
Consumer Report


I obtained a referreal through a friend as I wanted to divorce my husband. The owner, Rosamaria Garcia, claims to be a paralegal and agreed to help me file the proper court forms. She subsequently convinced me to open some tyoe of bank account that would subsequently be used to deposit funds from my husband. I only speak Spanish and Rosaria called Chase Bank and opened a credit card under my name but with her business address in downey. I was only able to use the card on three occasions between 3/12 and 4/12. I never received any statements and some time on or about April 11th, I received a telephone call from a collection agency claiming that I owe $6,000.00. I reported the incident to the police, but they told me that it is a civil matter as Rosamaria is listed as a beneficiary. I am currently in the process of filing a small claims case against Rosemary. I did learned of a second potential victim who obtained the assistance of Rosemary to help file immigration status. I would appreaciate it your office can help me with this matter.

Company: Attorney Assistance Cente
Country: USA
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Chase, WaMu, J.P. Morgan
Wamu reported theft of card and accused me of lying

The Law Office Of Dayn A. Holstrom
Identity Theft Stole money Malpratice Ripoff Attorney and lawye

Empire Auto Glass
This company is a rip-off fake

Peter Scott Enterprises and Rosemary Conley
Consumer Report

Rosemary Conley & Peter Scott Enterprise
Consumer Report

Rosie Diaz Mejico. Paralegal Services
Rosie Diaz Mejico... Paralegal services 362 W. 6th St. Sb 92401... Charged my husband and I $600 to complete and file court documents. What a mess that was. She didn't complete family law documents co

Credit Once Bank
Never sent credit card statements, I lost the card and forgot, they sent account to collection, refuses to send statements or remove from collection

Pacific managment
Called claiming to be sheriffs office serving papers for lawsuit

Daniel Mark Gelruth, All Courts Paralegal Services, Nev/Cal, Legal Documents & Litigation Suppor
T All Courts Paralegal, Paralegal Services and there is a few more that Daniel Mark Gelruth has no license for and ripped off a 51 year old disable man

Assured Civil Process
Dana McMichael, Owner No process service occurred, server lied