aka Slim Optimum
Consumer Report


I did the exact same thing as the other innocent people. I read a review supposedly from a NBC anchor woman and thought I would try it. The detox is such a joke, I should have spent 4.00 on a laxative it would have done more. Needless to say the other product was just as useless. There are so many scams out there but I felt this was legit. As with the others, after 14 days I was charged $179.98 and when I called was told I should have paid attention to the fine print. It wasn't 30 days but 14. When I referred to the HUGE gold seal at the left hand side of the ad that says 0 guarantee he said nothing and hung up. I'm pretty sure they work from a basement with only one person employed to answer the phone. They can afford to pay him well since they are making a fortune off of innocent customers trying to shed some pounds. If you see their add in anything RUN!!! These kind of people need to be stopped. I hope this letter makes some people stop and think before they fall prey to this SCAM

Company: aka Slim Optimum
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Pompano Beach
ZIP: 33062
Address: 2637 E Atlantic Blvd, #13976
Phone: 18556064294
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DMI* for Slim Optimum
Consumer Report

Slim Optimum
Consumer Report

Slim Optimum
Consumer Report

Slim Optimum
Consumer Report concerning Slim Optimum and Detox Pro
Consumer Report

Slim Optimum / Detox Pro
Consumer Report

Slim Optimum
Consumer Report And
Consumer Report

Slim Optimum And Liposlim
Consumer Report

Slim Optimum
Consumer Report