Rachel Watkins
Consumer Report


Craigslist post for sale 2004 VW Beetle... Looked like brand new for $2300.00. I contacted by email asking for more info on vehicle. Immediately, I was give a sad story about husband dying recently of heart attack. This person also wanted my name, address, shipping address along with my telephone # to start the process thru google wallet. Luckily, I was smart enough to do research before offering my information. I am hoping this person or persons is found and convicted to the full extent of the law.

Company: Rachel Watkins
Country: USA
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Rachel Watkins
Consumer Report

SGT Rachel Watkins
Consumer Report

Rachel Watkins
Consumer Report

Craigslist Scam - Google Wallet Scam
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Eve Online ISK seller that doesn't deliver!

Steven Beauchamp Address: 2930 W Jewell Ave, City: Auburn State: A
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Rachel Irschick
Rachel Irschick Rachel Celeste Irschick, Rachel C. Irschick, Rachel Lizzi, Lieing, Stealing

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Rachel Watkins
Consumer Report