Julia Braun
Consumer Report


After filling out an application, I received an email from Julia from "Actual Basis Engineering, ACB" (Office Phone: 646-583-1302
Fax: 646-349-5974) stating that I had been offered the position to be their purchasing manager. She stated this company provided benefits and that I would receive a company credit card. She stated I would need to use my credit card while I waited for them to send me the company credit card. She gave me a Wells Fargo account number and tracking number to pay off my credit card so I could purchase items. I purchased the items and was about to ship them out, but received an email from my credit card company stating that the Wells Fargo account was not valid. I called Julia and she tried giving me another account, but my credit card company stated they would not take another account and that a payment would need to be made by check. After emailing Julia this, I never heard back from he

Company: Julia Braun
Country: USA
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Wells Fargo
Credit Card Lunacy

Julia's Bra Shop
Does not honor the return guarantee! Julia's Bra Shop accepted my return and then never bothered to credit my account or send a refund!

Wells Fargo
Cant cancel Secured Credit Card_No Credit Ever added ripoff

Shockbox.com Hidden Fee Ripoff

Wells Fargo
Consumer Report

Wells Fargo Bank Card
Ripoff cancelled my credit card after being with Wells Fargo for 25 Plus years, no reason

Julia's Bra Shop
Rip off

Wells Fargo
Decrease credit card limit

Associated Credit Services - Wells Fargo Financial
ACS Falsing Representing Wells Fargo

Wells Fargo Bank
Wells Fargo, Deceptive practices - first lies to get you, then lies to change account limits