Buongiorno - Star Secrets
Consumer Report


I first started noticing an increase in 'other' on my online bill. I'd had a text saying I was 'now a member' of this games website, which I ignored because I thought it was spam. Anyway upon calling orange, they told me I'd subscribed to it??!! And they were charging me weekly? This is ridiculous. I have since applied for a refund, which seems to be progressing. I'm outraged at how they managed to do this without my consent or permission - even though they said they had..

Company: Buongiorno - Star Secrets
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Gatos
ZIP: 95032
Address: 485 Alberto Way, Suite 210
Phone: 4083955575
Site: buongiorno.com
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Buongiorno - Star Secrets
Consumer Report

Buongiorno - Star Secrets
Consumer Report

Buongiorno - Star Secrets
Consumer Report

Buongiorno - Star Secrets
Consumer Report

Buongiorno - Star Secrets
Consumer Report

Buongiorno - Star Secrets
Consumer Report

Buongiorno - Star Secrets
Consumer Report

Buongiorno - Star Secrets
Consumer Report

Buongiorno - Star Secrets
Consumer Report

Buongiorno - Star Secrets
Consumer Report