Consumer Report


Warning warning warning!!!
Do not visit the following website for fake Nike shoes:

I was about to purchase 2 pairs of Nikes from kobe2013shoes and realized there's something wrong when it came to payment. I then went to the other two website above and realized they all looked shady with almost "copy and paste" verification/security partner logos. Trustwave is a legit SSL licensing company and the logo has "click to validate" which did not even allow you to click. That's when I knew it had to be a scam. I called Trustwave to verify and they said the site is not validated and does not exist in their system. They then reported them.

Jordansairforsales.com was the website with SSLBillpay and if you went to the other two website you'll realize the sign up forms are COMPLETELY THE SAME!!! It's like the same exact person made up these scam websites.

BE CAREFUL next time you want to save a $ or two. It may just end up costing you much more.

-good luck!

Company: 24kSneakers.com
Country: USA
Phone: 8613544433223
Site: 24ksneakers.com
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Officialsteelersjersey.com / Fake Scam Retail website links to UK IP Address money drawn from China

Shopping styles
American garden appliances COMPANY DOES NOT EXIST. Be careful

Shanghai Yu Zhi Li Trading Co. Ltd
Consumer Report

Warning, Warning, Warning, Warning, Stay way from this website They send me Fake codes

Universal Gift Ventures - Dvdcollections. Tv In Mississauga Ca
Universal gift ventures - dvdcollections. Tv I ordered a Columbo DVD Set and Canadian Post says it's stuck in Customs, No response from the company though I've written repeatedly

Bought supposedly "louboutin" shoes from this website called romanceshoes.com, and after i made the purchase, something about the site just seemed fishy

Big Scam Website


Consumer Report

Pro-broom.com Baku Aj
Planted a Trojan Virsu in my PC.internet