Victoria Lovato
Consumer Report


While searching on Craigslist for a car, I noticed an attractive deal Volkswagen Jetta, sold for 2400$. I jumped on the great opportunity right away and started getting in contact with the seller that claims to only except google wallet payment since he lives abroad due to military duty, and the car will be sent to me via military transfer from CA. Meanwhile, I called google to make sure this whole deal makes since and it's not a scam, and what they told me is that it is basically impossible to sell a car through google wallet and I am probably being scammed. I never told the seller that I am on to him and his scam, and I thought before I drop the whole thing I will first report this crime. (Just to make it clear, so far I gave him no money or bank account details, so I lost no money to this potential scam yet...)

What should I do? Thank you!

Company: Victoria Lovato
Country: USA
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