LiftPro Glow
Consumer Report


I saw the ad for Lift and Glow Pro on the side of my FaceBook page. Foolishly, I thought I was ordering free samples as I read through all the terms and conditions and nowhere did it say anything about a 14 day trial. Since then, ironically, my computer firewall won't let me access the ad again for me to print off as proof! When I found that two payments of £84 had been taken from my account, I did some internet research and found that the 'parent' company is called Juveneu. When I rang them (in Florida) a very rude woman told me the payment was for the products I had already received and that I was now in the subscription scheme. Although my bank says it will 'try' not to let a further payment go out, it cannot guarantee it. Some of my recent emails refer to a further 'order' I appear to have placed so presumably more bottles are being sent to me for which they will be trying to take payment in due course. I have a sheaf of emails, from 3 different company names all dealing with the same product. I am really concerned that multiple payment requests will be made to my bank. I intend to change banks, with all the upheaval that will entail, just to ensure thy can't clean me out!

Company: LiftPro Glow
Country: USA
State: West Lothian
City: Linlithgow
Address: P.O. BOX 13511
Phone: 448081890973
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Lift and Glow Pro
Consumer Report

Prolift Glow
Consumer Report

Raw Minerals
Glow I ordered their "free trial" and then found a $90.00 charge to my bank account. This is a fraudulent internet add! And they should be punished!

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Glow -
Glow Despite my cancellation of the order, they shipped the order anyway Re Lift And Glow Pro Trial
Consumer Report

Prolift Glow
Consumer Report

Consumer Report, Glow,, glow Offers free trial (s) and membership to beauty club... Charges CC outrageous prices!