DeadBlueSea Kit Company
Consumer Report


I did tried their offer the deadbluesea beauty kit and i just paid the 3.95 for shipping but didnt notice on their terms and conditions that if not satisfied it has to be reuturn, i think they have a term of so and so days. And after i am so appalled seing my account was debited for £97.95 pounds. To let you know that the product didnt work for me, i am not happy with it... Too strong for my skin, became so tight and more wrinkley. I think this is a scam and i hate to say that it weas intentionally their marketing strategy and a misled... This site has to be cancell on thte site as soon as possible and this has to be monitor by the consumer standard right... I wish to refund my money...

Company: DeadBlueSea Kit Company
Country: USA
City: Nicosia
Address: Mykinon 12, Office 23
Phone: 8009130598
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