Hydra Loans
Consumer Report


They deposited 145.00 into my account and I had never gave them permission and when I contacted them to ask them to take the money out of my account they then told me that it was too late and I would have to contact their Coperate office, I was never told the name or number and when I tried to fond the name, number and address onlin it was no results, now I am getting threatening phone calls at work from someone name Tracy Bradshaw telling me if I don't comply with them they are going to serve me papers at my place of employment.

Company: Hydra Loans
Country: USA
Phone: 8883025332, 8883025269
Site: hydrafundpaydayloan.info
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Hydra Fund
Consumer Report

First irs legal dept
Calling place of employment threateningto serve papers and charging me with fraud and bad checks

Hydra Financial
Fraud loan company

Hydra Fund III 8883025351 0-0543326-43953
Consumer Report

Hydra Financial Limited Fund 1
Deposited funds into my account without permission

Hydra Iv

Pinnacle Collection Agency
Pinnacle Processing Coercion to pay on a debt that was not mine, threaten to serve papers to me at my work place

Nation Wide
Harras took card number ca

Department of law and investigation
Tim Williams officer Tim Williams keeps calling me at work saying I owe money for an online load I defaulted on

Hydra Fund III
Possibly DJR group llc unauthorized deposits into checking account