Hydra Fund
Consumer Report


I am highly upset. I got paid yesterday, and then checked my bank account today the 28th day of March to find out that I had 90 dollars taken out of my account along with an NSF charge of 38 dollars that I did not authorize. Before this I got a call from the same phone number that is on the web site, I did not answer it, they then texted me saying I could get a loan, I texted back "STOP". When I saw this I called my bank supposedly there was an extra 300 dollars in my account that I did not have any knowledge of, my bank is freezing my account, and doing an investigation, and saying that I now owe Hydra Fund 210 dollars, and I feel I do not owe them anything, seems to me this is a big time scam and needs to stop.

Company: Hydra Fund
Country: USA
Phone: 8883025332, 8883025269
Site: hydrafundpaydayloan.info
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Hydra Fund
Consumer Report

Hydra Fund
Consumer Report

Hydra Fund
Consumer Report

Hydra funds IV
Scammed me into a loan

Hydra Fund
Consumer Report

Hydra Fund
Consumer Report

Hydra Fund
Consumer Report

Hydra Fund
Consumer Report

Hydra Fund
Consumer Report

Hydra fund
Put money in my account without me signing for it now trying to sue me