Consumer Report


I signed up for ITJobCafe and uploaded my resume on 1/28. Within 30 minutes I received a text offering me a position stating they saw my resume on ITJobCafe. They asked for my Yahoo Id, I sent it and accepted the chat session on Yahoo. Some point during the interview I became suspicious but continued afraid I would throw away a chance at employment. I am educated and I think intelligent, and figured out this was a scam. I declined, which lead to heavy pushing on their side. I researched and reached out to the owner of ITJobCafe attempting to explain. Lol. But I kept the emails, and a copy of the conservation with the 'recruiter'. But I dropped it at the time.
I have m first conservation on Yahoo I kept from 1/28, that I can provide, email of snail mail. I looked up and contacted the founder/owner of ITJobCafe and reported the issue. I continued be contacted by the company Arise. The owner is Chand Akkineni [mailto:] and he does have a LinkedIn account. I kept those emails also.

Below is the very beginning and last minutes of our chat which lasted nearly two hours. I needed a job! Bad enough to stick it out until I was sure it was a scam. Someone has to stop them, I can't!
It started:
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 9:45: 08 AM): Hi, this is Juanita
hiringmanager1900 (1/28 9:45: 16 AM): Good Morning
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 9:45: 25 AM): Good Morning to you
hiringmanager1900 (1/28 9:46: 15 AM): I am Mrs Sarah Blodgett, I received my M.B.A. From Lehigh University, a B.S. Degree in industrial engineering from Lafayette College. I have been with the Arise Technology Company since 1976. I work for an accounting team now and I am here to briefly interview you about the opening position. Are you ready for the job briefing and interview?
Skipped the middle because of allowed room here:
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 10:29: 05 AM): I would like to work for Arise. And, I am a loyal person, I accept this position, you will not need to worry about me looking further at this time.
Hiringmanager1900 (1/28 10:30: 22 AM): What is your Career Goal?
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 10:30: 42 AM): Greatest - steady, devoted and smart. Weakness, when I am sure I am correct and there is an issue, I tend to push, at least until someone understands what I am saying.
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 10:32: 03 AM): Goal. To end every day feeling I have contributed to a company that has put faith in me. Long term, help others succeed in their goals.
Hiringmanager1900 (1/28 10:32: 36 AM):
How long do you plan to work for us if hired?
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 10:32: 44 AM): past 80..
Hiringmanager1900 (1/28 10:33: 11 AM): Why should we hire you?
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 10:35: 28 AM): Honest, Steady, Dedicated, TEAM Player, Smart. I know these are cliches.
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 10:36: 26 AM): I will bring these traits to any position I hold within your company.
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 10:37: 20 AM): As an agent, entering data, or as a manager, which I am sure I will be one of the top 4 chosen.
Hiringmanager1900 (1/28 10:37: 41 AM): Ok Good
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 10:37: 51 AM): Do you have my LinkedIn information?
Hiringmanager1900 (1/28 10:38: 06 AM): Do you have a printer, scanner, photocopier, or fax machine?
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 10:38: 40 AM): Printer, scanner yes. I would need to get an online account for faxes.
Hiringmanager1900 (1/28 10:39: 18 AM): Ok, How fast can you type?
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 10:40: 26 AM): That I do not know. Accurate. Lol. One time a team member messed up my keyboard by moving my keys around and I did not even notice!
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 10:41: 10 AM): I picked up my speed by typing as a customer on the phone gave me data, and my goal was not to say repeat that.
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 10:42: 10 AM): As an agent for Intuit, we printed data on supplies to use with the software (QuickBooks and Quicken)
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 10:42: 37 AM): Either is fine, as long as I know when up front.
Hiringmanager1900 (1/28 10:42: 47 AM): What means of Payment do you prefer? Check, Direct Deposit?
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 10:43: 05 AM): Direct Deposit.
Hiringmanager1900 (1/28 10:43: 12 AM): Ok and what bank do you operate with?
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 10:43: 25 AM): BB&T
hiringmanager1900 (1/28 10:43: 32 AM): The following software are what you will be working with: PeachTree, MYOB, QuickBooks, Auto Cad, NetSuite
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 10:44: 00 AM): LOL. Ok. I know QuickBooks.
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 10:44: 24 AM): I know of all the others, but have not used them.
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 10:44: 46 AM): But am a fast learner.
Hiringmanager1900 (1/28 10:45: 05 AM): The company will provide you with an HP laptop with a fast and reliable internet connection. Your W-4 form will be arriving shortly with the other working materials you need to start earning money with our company. You will be required to purchase the software you will be working with and the company will have you reimbursed for your order. You will need to place an order with a certified vendor and trusted third-party company who will then have the programs installed free of charge on your company laptop. It will be sent to you via overnight shipping from FedEx.
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 10:45: 36 AM): Actually have QuickBooks already. Newest version.
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 10:45: 47 AM): Can I save the company that money?
Hiringmanager1900 (1/28 10:46: 15 AM): Initially, the software will cost $450 but you will also be trained by your supervisor on how to navigate the programs. Note that you will also be paid during training and for all hours that you work. Also note that you will be reimbursed for this investment. The credit will arrive with your first paycheck. Our employees are paid once a week every Friday. You will need to purchase the software from the shipping agent who we have been conducting business with for years. The only payment method accepted is by Money Gram/Money order which is check. Once you have placed your order, the package will be shipped to you via FedEx overnight delivery.
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 10:47: 18 AM): You threw me when you asked weekly or bi weekly, because you had originally said every Friday.
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 10:47: 41 AM): so, you are sending me the computer, and I will install the software?
Hiringmanager1900 (1/28 10:47: 46 AM): Oh Yes weekly is friday.
Hiringmanager1900 (1/28 10:48: 34 AM): Hello you are required to resume this Job Position right away as training starts tomorrow so After purchase has been made. You will be receiving your working materials at exactly 11:30 am and i will be here to provide you with your FedEx tracking number. You will then join the other employees who are also currently training.
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 10:49: 30 AM): What do you mean by resume this Job Position? What time zone is the 11:30 am?
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 10:50: 49 AM): Are YOU placing the software order, and I am paying for it when it arrives FedEx?
Hiringmanager1900 (1/28 10:51: 55 AM): You are required to have your working materials purchased as that you will be needing in other to proceed with this Job Position Okay?
Hiringmanager1900 (1/28 10:53: 24 AM): Remember you will also be reimbursed along with your first paycheck in which you will be recieving this friday via Direct deposite or Paycheck which ever way you preffer it.
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 10:55: 36 AM): Remember. I am detail oriented, so I need to know when, how, what. So when is the software ordered, when is the computer arriving, how am I expected to pay for the software?
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 10:56: 42 AM): And, I need the above questions answered, what do you mean by Resume the Job Position, and what time zone is the 11:30 am in?
Hiringmanager1900 (1/28 10:56: 46 AM): Oh Yes i understand you and i believe you will do well in this firm as your working magterials will be delivered to your home Address first thing tomorrow Morning and You are only required to make purchase for your working software's and note the company will be reimbursing you for any purchase made, You are to purchase this software's from the shipping agent who we have been buying from for years now and you will be making payment to them via their most preferred method of payment Money Gram as once your payment has been verified all needed materials which includes your w-4 will be shipped out to your home address via FedEx courier and i will be here to provide you wit the FedEx tracking number so you can have the package tracked and keep a close eye to it and know it current status,
hiringmanager1900 (1/28 10:56: 55 AM): Do you have a Money Gram outlet near you now?
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 10:58: 22 AM): so you are saying I need to pay you, before I start training tomorrow morning 11:30 pacific time?
Hiringmanager1900 (1/28 11:00: 21 AM): Hello you are not paying before you resume this Job Position as your making purchase for your working materials in which you will be needing in other to proceed with your training first thing tomorrow and i want you to also know you will surely be reimbursed for your expense along with your bonus pay for signing Okay.
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 11:02: 35 AM): Sarah, Slow down, stop repeating yourself. I need more information. How do I "Resume" this job position?
Hiringmanager1900 (1/28 11:03: 48 AM): Alright first you are to make payment for your working materials right away and once your payment has been verified and your working materials shipped out to you then you proceed with this Job Position Okay?
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 11:06: 46 AM): I don't think so. You did good. Up until the end. I need to verify what you are saying. I am NOT sending money to get a job, I am now convinced is a sham. If I am wrong. Well so be it. This does not feel right, you are not answering my questions, a few things have a non English feel. If I am in fact a good candidate for this position, well you will understand and we can continue later. Have a good day. Juanita
hiringmanager1900 (1/28 11:07: 26 AM): Oh i will never come here to take anything from you, the company is here to offer you with a job that will benefit you and your family for good i do understand how you feel about this but i want you to know you are save with this company and you will also have a reimbursement form to fill before you get started with your training tomorrow morning.
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 11:11: 45 AM): Sarah, Please give me your contact information and the information to send the payment. I need to research this and I will call you at 1:00 today. OK
hiringmanager1900 (1/28 11:23: 10 AM): Got it?
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 11:23: 41 AM): Got what?
Hiringmanager1900 (1/28 11:24: 02 AM): Did you get my last Messages?
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 11:24: 12 AM): no..
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 11:25: 44 AM): did you send me your contact information?
Hiringmanager1900 (1/28 11:27: 18 AM): Alright Juanita i want you to know as in this firm we do not run any fraudulent activies in this firm so i want you to be rest asured as you are in the right firm and all work are done accoring to the Policy of this firm so i want you to have this handled right away so you can resume this Job Position first thing as soon as you recieve your working materials tomorrow Morning and earn income Okay?
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 11:28: 12 AM): I have no contact information, I will NOT be resuming or paying for anything.
Hiringmanager1900 (1/28 11:31: 13 AM): I understand how you feel but i want you to know you are very much safe in this firm and you have nothing to be worried about as i will be here to assist you in any way i can once you have resume and remember You are required to resume this Job position right away as training start tomorrow as your training supervisor will be needing your working Materials in other to procceed with your training and remember you will be reimbursed along with your first paycheck.
Hiringmanager1900 (1/28 11:31: 34 AM): I want you to trust in me as i will never decieve you in this Okay.
(Personal Information Removed) (1/28 11:34: 48 AM): 62 does not mean born yesterday. I said NO. You messed up... I am doing all I can to report you. I know you are not in the US. I know that photo is not you. You are a thief and a liar. And I figured it out quite a way back. So keep wasting your time.
Hiringmanager1900 (1/28 11:36: 20 AM): Hello Juanita of course it me speaking to you as i hate the word you are saying to me right now as i have told you we do not run anything as such as scam on here.???
Last message received on 1/28 at 11:36 AM
On 3/14 I received this email again ITJobCafe different company but note the yahoo id and the subject.
I HAVE NOT BEEN SCAMMED BY ANY OTHER SITES. I have uploaded my resume over 20 sites. The issue is only on ITJobCafe.
Original Message
From: David Dodson [mailto:]
Sent: Thursday, March 14 10:30 AM
To: (Personal Information Removed)
Dear Applicant,
We apologize for the delay in response as in regards to your Resume on ITJob Cafe that was forwarded to our Hiring Department, The Hiring Desk of Netpixel Inc. Has reviewed your resume and we believe you have the required qualifications to proceed for an online Interview to discuss more about the Job Position.
Do you have a yahoo messenger on your computer. To proceed with this job position you must undergo an online interview via yahoo messenger.
You are required to set up a yahoo messenger account or download a Yahoo IM (http://messenger. on your desktop if you don't have one. After this process, you are to add Mrs. Cinthia Caswell on her Yahoo IM, her email is ( to your yahoo buddy list ASAP for the Job Briefing / Interview and comprehensive job details. She will be online waiting to talk to you.
Netpixel Inc.
Hiring Department

Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
ZIP: 30338
Address: 4470 Chamblee Dunwoody, #230
Phone: 4049150497
  <     >  


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