Hydra Fund
Consumer Report


This company did the same to me. They deposited 300.00 in my av=ccount and I never approved this. TRied calling them only got the loan application center but I did tell them they can either take there 300.00 back out of my account today by 3:00 or call me back, if not I will go close my checkign account and they wont ever get there 300.00 back they deposityed inti my account.

Company: Hydra Fund
Country: USA
Phone: 8883025332, 8883025269
Site: hydrafundpaydayloan.info
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Hydra Fund
Consumer Report

Hydra Fund
Consumer Report

Hydra Fund
Consumer Report

Hydra Fund
Consumer Report

Hydra Fund
Consumer Report

Hydra Financial Limited III
Consumer Report

Hydra Fund
Consumer Report

Hydra Fund
Consumer Report

Hydra Fund
Consumer Report

Hydra Fund
Consumer Report